In his one-woman show, The Lady With All the Answers, playwright David Rambo creates acompelling portrait of Esther “Eppie” Lederer, better known as Ann Landers, thetrailblazing advice columnist who answered countless letters in a newspapercolumn that made her a legend. Milwaukee Rep Resident Acting Company memberLaura Gordon channels the renowned no-nonsense journalist with chutzpah andinsightful wit as the columnist writes the most personal article that AnnLanders ever wrote: a confession to her readers that her marriage of more than30 years was ending in divorce. Set in her elegant Chicago study with a print deadline looming,Lederer reminisces about her prolific career, her most memorable letters, eventhe famously thorny relationship with her identical twin sister who, just sixmonths after Eppie broke into print, published her own "Dear Abby"column. Under the direction of J.R. Sullivan, Gordon is exceptional in herfirst solo show, engaging the audience and poignantly resurrecting thecompassionate, intelligent and tenacious counselor that made an indelible markon 20th-century America.
Milwaukee Rep’sThe Lady With All the Answers continues through Dec. 20.