This week, Morning Star Productions presents a contemporary drama by Morningstar Artistic Director Alan Atwood. The company, which was founded as the Drama Ministry at Eastbrook church, has developed some interesting work in the past couple of years. It’s latest offeringMy Brother’s Keeper involves a woman running for U.S. Senate who finds her life complicated by the sudden appearance of her cognitively challenged brother.
Atwood’s Living Light Productions consists of a sizeable catalogue of shorts, features and other fare for the stage that focus on a Christian perspective. His most successful seems to be Traveling Lighta series of monologues that re-casts the Book of Mark in a contemporary setting.
Morning Star Productions’ staging of My Brother’s Keeper runs April 8th – 17th at Eastbrook Church on 5385 North Green Bay Avenue. For reservations, call 414-228-5220.