Morningstar Productions announced early last week that it's comedy Captive, which was scheduled to open this coming weekend, has been postponed until early June. Unexpects circumstances "involving major Actor and actresses," have pushed back the opening of the Alan Atwood comedy.
I'm actually happy with this personally . . . there are so many shows opening at the end of April that I've been forced to miss a few . . . and I so rarely get out to see a Morningstar Production. This one looks fun: A man is on the run from the police so he takes refuge in the home of a woman . . . and it kind of sounds like the woman in question is a bit more challenging for the man than the police might be . . . could be a fun show in early summer.
Alan Atwood's Captive runs June 7th - 21st at the Eastbrook Church auditorium. For more information, visit Morning Star online.