Mojo Dojo recently did an improv comedy show called Milwaukee Secrets. Its special Valentine’s Day-themed performance is followed this month by something similar that’s rolling-in from out of town. PostSecret: The Show is alive theater presentation drawn from It’s a website with kind of a quaintly antiquated approach to delivering people’s secrets to the internet: send your anonymous secret on the back of a postcard to an address in Maryland and they’ll scan it and post it online. Cute, huh?
PostSecret: The Show explores confessions from those cards in a show that explores some of the stories behind the secrets that have been posted on the website. Founder and writer Frank Warren brings an eclectic show to the stage via monologues, video projections and more.
PostSecret: The Show runs Feb. 25 - 26 at the Marcus Center for the Performing Arts. For more information, visit the Marcus Center online.