Soulstice Theatre has announced auditions for its production of the Robert Harling comic drama Steel Magnolias. Set in a Beauty Parlor in Louisiana, the story revolves around 6 women.
And so . . . Soulstice theatre is looking for six actresses ranging in age from their early 20’s to 70’s. (Actually, that’s: one woman in her late teens, another in her mid-twenties, one in her 40’s, one in her 50’s and one in her ‘60’s.) Auditions for the roles will be held September 8th and 9th. Both open audition dates start at 6:30 pm in Suite 102 of the Marian Center for the Non-Profits at 3195 S. Superior Street. Auditions will consist of readings from the script.
Bring your best Louisianan accent.
Auditions here are a bit earlier than they can be for smaller theatre companies. As Soulstice Theatre’s Steel Magnolias is set to open in April of next year, there are some eight months between open auditions and opening night.
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