New shows continue to roll through Milwaukee stages this season. The latest is Ken Morgan’s Square, A Stage Pornography. The independently-produced show stars Joshua Devitt (Corpus Christi) as Thomas Pankrantz—a man who remains a college jock years after graduation. On a warm summer’s night, he gets a visit from Jondell Lovellen (Jenna Wetzel)—a girl he knew in he’s thought of as a square since grade school. She’s a successful engineer tired of people shunning her company. Tom Welcenbach directs.
As the press kit states, “He’s a pig. She wants pork. And two grade school acquaintances struggle to discover each other. Can This Be Lust?” Okay, so it doesn’t sound like a genius script, but it’s nice to see some width and depth to the diversity of work making it to local stages.
SQUARE: A Stage Pornography runs April 13th through 23rd at the Milwaukee Gay Arts Center. For reservations, visit: