Amid a flurry of returning Christmas shows is Jonathan West’s production of David Sedaris’ The Santaland Diaries at the Sunset Playhouse in Elm Grove. Tom Klubertanz stars as a struggling actor in New York who finds seasonal work as an elf at Macy’s Department Store. Klubertanz holds audiences’ attentionnot surprising, considering that the production received its initial funding through advance online ticket sales.
Public radio introduced the unique voice of Sedaris through hisreading of the diaries. The dry, understated softness of Sedaris’ delivery would be very difficult to emulate. To his credit, Klubertanz doesn’t attempt to imitate Sedaris’ style. Klubertanz and West have found an alternative personality that works for the show. Sedaris delivers bemused disgust of modern Christmas and life as a Macy’s elf. By contrast, Klubertanz seems to revel in it alla style that works surprisingly well.
At first it’s strange to hear Sedaris’ elf stories delivered by a deeper voice, but his distinct prose adopts perfectly to Klubertanz’s wild charm. Where Sedaris employs subtlety, Klubertanz uses big comic gestures. But the only place the show really suffers is in Sedaris’ more serious moments, which are completely lost here. That being said, Klubertanz’ energetic performance creates a fun show with genuine love and respect for the material.
The Santaland Diaries continues though Dec. 18 at the Sunset Playhouse in Elm Grove. For tickets, call 262-782-4430.