The Village Playhouse of Wauwatosa will be opening its production of Steve Martin’s The Underpants this coming week. Steve Martin’s popular adaptation of German playwright Carl Sternheim’s Die Hose makes it to the suburban stage October 9 – 17. Jerry Proffitt plays government worker Theo whose wife Louise (Stephanie Lowery) is unwittingly involved in a scandal when a couple of men see her in her lingerie.
In keeping with a sense of community outreach, the community theatre group will be collecting underwear for the Milwaukee Rescue Mission during the run of the show. It’s a clever charitable crossoverbring fresh underpants to underpants. Have a good time and help out an organization dedicated to helping people turn their lives around. And it’s a fun play. I saw the Milwaukee Rep’s production some time ago . . . funny, funny stuff. It'd be interesting to see it done with the untested comic energy of a community theatre cast like the one the Village Playhouse will be bringing to the stage. Sadly, I will be unable to make it. There are some five other shows opening next week. More on that later . . .