<p> Conan O\'Brien is funny and animated onstage and off—at least whenever the camera is running. Director Rodman Flenders\' <em>Conan O\'Brien Can\'t Stop</em> documents the comic\'s much publicized response to NBC\'s decision to drop him from the late-night roster. Banned by his exit contract from appearing anywhere on TV for six months, he mounted a 32-city tour called \"Legally Prohibited from Being Funny on Television.\" While his need for catharsis is more than slightly self-indulgenthe won millions by being dumped and enough publicity to find work elsewhere—Rodman\'s film is an amusing look at an extravaganza very much resembling an arena rock tour, complete with auditions for back-up singers, planning sessions and backstage accommodations running from ratty to de luxe. </p> <p><em>Conan O\'Brien Can\'t Stop</em> is out on DVD and Blu-ray. </p>