“Paris: The Luminous Years” explores the city where modernism in the arts coalesced into movements that changed the way we looked at our world. The PBS documentary (out on DVD) ignores the fact that during some of the years covered, 1900-1930, Paris’ role as mecca of modernity was challenged by Vienna, Munich and Berlin, but he program’s thesis is essentially correct. Paris was the light that drew an incredible array of creative minds from across the world. It was home to Picasso, Braque, Hemingway, Chagall, Stravinsky, Duchamp, Nijinksynot to mention Josephine Baker and Langston Hughes. Director-writer Perry Miller Adato sketches a knowledgeable outline of the leading personalities and forces at work, illustrated with representative art work along with archival and contemporary footage of the city. “The Luminous Years” is a reminder of a time when what was new was actually exciting and art was an adventure in search of unknown worlds.