WinonaRyder has been more or less MIA but resurfaced in a recent, little seen psychological drama,The Letter. She plays Martine, a New York playwright developing a play in aworkshop with her usual cast plus a stranger, Tyrone (James Franco). Thenewcomer instantly alters the group chemistry; he’s cool andself-possessed, asks uncomfortable questions and is instantlydisliked. Martine, however, shoots him a curious glance. She’s attracted, notrepulsed.
TheLetter develops with great subtlety and requires close attention to everygesture and word. Martine’s script morphs along with her psyche, and thetransition isn’t just from a contented relationship with her boyfriend (JoshHamilton) to obsession with Tyrone, but from stability to delusion. Her descentinto madness is well handled, even when marred by indie film tics such asblurry for no reason close-ups and that sensitive piano tinkle signifyingfragile emotions. The real problem is the conclusion, which seemsunsatisfactory (at least after one viewing). However, The Letter is worth seeking out forRyder and Franco, who give strong performances in their carefully nuancedroles. It's out on DVD.