Dirty Projectors will headline the Pabst Theater on Saturday, July 14, the venue announced this morning. The restless indie-rock ensemble will be playing just days after the July 10 release of its sixth album, <em>Swing Lo Magellan</em>, its formal full-length follow-up to 2009\'s breakthrough <em>Bitte Orca</em>. The group has teased one track from that album, "Gun Has No Trigger," a relatively straightforward piece of songwriting by the band\'s standards; you can stream it below. <br /><br /> <iframe scrolling=\"no\" height=\"166\" frameborder=\"0\" width=\"100%\" src=\"http://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F41218921&show_artwork=true\">&lt;span id=&quot;XinhaEditingPostion&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt;</iframe> <br /> <br />General admission tickets are $20 in advance and $22.50 the day of show. They <a href=\"http://pabsttheater.org/show/dirtyprojectors2012\">go on sale</a> Friday, April 13 at noon.