Klassik is one of Milwaukee's most imaginative young rappers and beatsmiths, drawing zealously from jazz, electronica, old-school hip-hop and '90s R&B with an unusually sharp sense of composition. The producer has been fairly prolific over the last couple of years, releasing a smattering of EPs, singles and collabs, many of which are represented on <em>(F**k) Yellow Lights!</em>, his latest mixtape with frequent collaborator ¡OYE! <br /><br />The mixtape is a definitely a grab bag, but it's a worthwhile one, cribbing choice cuts from Klassik's <em>Death of a Beatmaker</em> EP and a couple of ¡OYE!'s projects, placing them alongside some strong new tracks and solid remixes. It's a great way to catch up on the producer's work before he releases his debut full length album, <em>In The Making</em>, later this year. <br /><br /> You can download the mixtape from Klassik's Bandcamp site, or stream it below.<br /> <iframe width=\"300\" height=\"410\" style=\"position: relative; display: block; width: 300px; height: 410px;\" src=\"http://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/v=2/album=3916318888/size=grande3/bgcol=FFFFFF/linkcol=4285BB/\" allowtransparency=\"true\" frameborder=\"0\"><a href=\"http://klassik1.bandcamp.com/album/f-k-yellow-lights\">(F**K) Yellow Lights! by Klassik and ¡OYE!</a></iframe><br />