On this week's especially fiery episode of The Disclaimer, WMSE's near-weekly crosstalk between station promotions director Ryan Schleicher, A.V. Club Milwaukee editor Matt Wild and I, we dedicate our full 30 minutes to Monday's Envisioning the Seen panel at the Pabst Theater. The discussion encouraged a dozen city leaders to think big about ways to improve the city, but did any actionable ideas come from it? We left the event frustrated by how circular the conversation was, and even a little offended by the priorities of some of its panelists and moderators, who seemed more interested in prettying up the city and fostering a prestigious arts scene than in addressing the more serious concerns of Milwaukee's less privileged populations.
We did our best to channel that anger into some coherent, constructive critiques of the event; you can stream the episode below and let us know if we succeeded by commenting on our Facebook page or shooting us an email at thedisclaimerradio@gmail.com.