For the better part of three decades, Cheer-Accident has been recording pop music for people who hate pop music: brainy, twisting compositions that twist and turn in the exact opposite direction your ears want them to. It’s unsurprising that a group this unwaveringly subversive never found much of a national fan base, but they certainly left their mark on their native Chicago, where they were integral in shaping the city’s math-rock scene (frequently with the help of producer Steve Albini) and laying the foundation for Windy City post-rock with their jazzy, dizzying time-signature fake-outs. Warming up the stage before Cheer-Accident’s local release show for their new album, Fear Draws Misfortune, is Milwaukee’s iconic Couch Flambeau, fellow ’80s veterans who played really, really silly punk rock well before it was fashionable to play even faintly silly punk rock.
Cheer-Accident w/ Couch Flambeau
Tonight @ Cactus Club, 10 p.m.