Each week, over 1.7 million listeners tune in to hear Public Radio’s This American Life, a pioneering program with stories that walk the line between straight journalism and emotive storytelling. Although the show has a rotating roster of contributors, including John Hodgman, Chuck Klosterman and David Sedaris, the one constant is the unassuming, sympathetic voice of host (as well as executive producer and co-creator) Ira Glass. The Peabody Award-winning show made the jump to television in 2007, running for two seasons on Showtime before the hectic schedule of television production led them to renew their focus on radio. Tonight, Mr. Glass appears as part of UWM’s “Distinguished Lecture Series,” sharing stories from the creation of the show, which he’ll bring to life with music and snippets of audio.
An Evening With Ira Glass: Radio Stories and Other Stories
Tonight @ The UWM Union Wisconsin Room, 7 p.m.