The thought of a part-time Capital Times is hard to accept. The Cap Timesis the only progressive daily paper in the country and having it move to the internet (mostly--there will be a Wednesday print version) may be necessary but it is painful for the Cap Times' family. People like us.
The pain is exacerbated by the nonsensical editorials that appear regularly in the survivor on the Isthmus, the Wisconsin State Journal. Today is proof that theCap Times will be missed. WSJ is obsessed with the veto power of the governor. It has become the WSJ's war. How obsessed? They don't even nod in the direction of critics who believe that the amendment, as written, will make matters worse.
You know how annoying it is to get an e-mail in all caps and bold. Well, the front page of the FORUM section shouts at a decibel level known only to rock bands, to vote "yes" and nearly the entire page, perhaps designed in a junior high school contest, is a cartoon showing...oh never mind. Dubbed the "Frankenstein veto" it is your duty to avoid the Cap Times editorial opposing the amendment. You should not read Fred Wade's superb critique. "Trust us" is the State Journal's command.
I'll vote no. Make up your own mind but I'm confident members will think beyond an absurd cartoon.
Butler-Gableman: To add fuel to the fire,WSJ's editorial page can't decide between a sitting moderate Justice, and a candidate who was blasted by 52 state judges. Never before has anything like this happened. Dee Hall, reporter for WSJ, reported the fact the judges are "upset with Gableman's unethical ad."
This is the Supreme Court for heaven's sake and one candidate runs unethical, untrue, and outrageous TV spot and WSJ's editors can't turn off Fox news long enough to read their own story and make a decision? Yikes, Whoa Nelly, and oh'ma god!
The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel and, you guessed it, the Cap Times endorsed Justice Butler.
Vote on Tuesday.
Oh, and John McCain's surge? Just dandy.