Documents obtained byOne Wisconsin Now through the state’s open records law show that GeorgeLightbourn, a former top official in the Thompson-McCallum administration andnow president of the WPRI, was not happy with the statewide polling resultswhich showed that more people opposed the private school voucher program thansupported it. In Milwaukee County, however, therewas majority support for the private school voucher plan.
E-mails show thatLightbourn was able to persuade Goldstein to present his data in such a way asto please the members of the WPRI board. He wanted the regional question, Milwaukee County’s response, to be used ratherthan the statewide question because the statewide result was not in favor ofthe private school voucher plan.
Lightbourn sendsGoldstein an e-mail asking him to include materials in the poll top lines thatsupport WPRI’s stance on the private school voucher program. (Top lines are alist of each question asked and the responses to each poll question.)
Lightbourn’s e-mail:“Yes, but I don’t want the top line going out without it and was hoping wecould incorporate this with the question. Otherwise, someone with illintentions could use our release inappropriately.”
Goldstein’s e-mail back:“i understand, but i think it looks strange to put in the regional breakdown inthe toplines just on that one question. We have the comparisons in thepowerpoints…you can make the regional document i sent a little prettier andpost as a seperate (sic) thing, but i think the toplines should be the toplinesfor the state.”
Lightbourn’s e-mailback: “I’m not concerned aboutjournalists. I’m concerned about theScott (sic) Ross types who would enjoy being able to portray WPRI’s own data asshowing lack of support for choice. I know it’s a pain in the ass but I’ve beenburned a couple of times and I don’t need to be the one holding the gas can.”
Three days later, whenthe poll results were released by both WPRI and UW without the statewideresults for the private school voucher, Lightbourn thanks Goldstein.
Lightbourn: “Thanks forthe added info. over the weekend. Ithelped immensely with my correspondence with my board and other consumers ofthe WPRI material.”
So now we have atop-level university willing to present their data with politicalconsiderations in mind and a “policy research institute” who only presents“research” that supports their right-wing biases.
Hero of the Week
Megan Vander Wyst
Each week, the Shepherd Express identifies anindividual or a group who generously provides time and talent to improve thelives and living conditions of others. Megan Vander Wyst, 22, embodiesvolunteerism at its finest. A full-time student at CardinalStritch University,Vander Wyst donates her spare time to volunteer in multiple capacities at theUnited Community Center (UCC), which provides programs and services to Milwaukee’s Hispaniccommunity and near South Side residents. Vander Wyst volunteers at the UCC’s Adult Day Center, helping adultsdealing with Alzheimer’s and dementia-related issues. She also offerscompanionship and help with daily activities at the UCC Senior Center, and interns at Latino Arts Inc.,aiding the many cultural events staged at the UCC. For her tireless efforts toenrich the lives of others, the Shepherdmakes Vander Wyst our Hero of the Week. Those who wish to assist the UCC’smission are urged to visit its Web site at
Jerk of the Week
Congressman Paul Ryan
Congressman Paul Ryanhas become a staple of the right-wing Tea Party circuit by appealing to theextreme right wing of the Republican Party. Yes, Ryan is a likable, affableperson, but his policy positions have become even more extreme than the usualRepublican economists. Last week he gave a speech at the conservative Hillsdale Collegein Michiganthat would make even conservative economists like Alan Greenspan cringe. Ryancalls his efforts to fight the current health care reform bill “an ideologicalcrusade” and labels the reform bill “the Democratic leaders’ crusade againstthe American idea.” So what would Congressman Ryan do?
Paul Ryan’s health careplan, H.R. 2520, would turn over more of the life-and-death health care decisionsto bureaucrats in for-profit health insurance companies. Ryan’s bill would giveinsurance companies more freedom to discriminate against Americans on the basisof health status, age, gender and pre-existing conditions. It would also taxemployer-paid health insurance plans, which, according to the Center on Budgetand Policy Priorities, would cause millions of working Americans to lose theirhealth insurance.
Paul, our question is:Do you represent the people of the 1st Congressional District or the healthinsurance industry that has contributed more than $500,000 to your campaigncommittee?