In Matthew Flynn’s debut novel (Pryme Knumber, 2012), readers were introduced to an unassuming Milwaukee teenager who also happened to be a mathematical genius. In the second book in the Bernie Weber trilogy, Bernie Weber and the Riemann Hypothesis, we rediscover the young prodigy on a break from college after a female CIA agent recruits him to crack the code behind dangerous Chinese encryptions. When an elite crew of Chinese intelligence agents descends on the Brew City, local readers will delight in the story’s detailed depictions of many famous local landmarks and regional uniqueness.
Flynn is one of Wisconsin’s top litigators, often handling controversial cases involving libel, invasion of privacy and Securities and Exchange Commission violations. He has been selected for inclusion in the Wisconsin Super Lawyers List (General Litigation) annually since 2005.
In addition to practicing law, Flynn has held various roles in state politics, from membership on Hillary Clinton’s financial committee in the 2008 presidential election to serving as co-chair for John Kerry’s 2004 presidential primary campaign in Wisconsin. He will discuss his new novel, Bernie Weber and the Riemann Hypothesis, at Boswell Book Co. at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 7.