In the fifth installment of its Summer Arts in the Park concert series, Wisconsin Lutheran College plays host to a veritable smorgasbord of visual and aural entertainment. There will be fine art on display, craft booths to peruse, a silent auction to consider and food and drink to enjoy.
The Steve Lewandowski Jazz Trio starts the day's musical performances, the Newtonburg Brass Band follows, Tom Anthony then performs classic pop standards by such artists as Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Buddy Holly, The Platters and others, and finally the Kids from Wisconsin-a talented group of young dancers and singers-present a two-hour finale in the form of Broadway standards and pop tunes. Certainly, this whole event sounds like a great way to spend a summer Saturday in Wisconsin.
But let us look further upon the Newtonburg Brass Band, a small-town band that can trace its origins back to 1904 (Newtonburg lies southwest of Manitowoc). Typical in its day of such ensembles, it performed for picnics, dances and other festivals or social occasions, featured such odd instruments as the "alto horn," "trombonium," "helicon tuba" and "double bell euphonium," and possessed a repertoire of marches, light classics, polkas and waltzes of the time.
The fair and entertainment take place in the Wisconsin Lutheran College campus courtyard on July 11.