PerhapsMilwaukee County Executive Chris Abele should get out more often and not justhold invite-only photo ops at his office building, seemingly orchestrated by his campaignadvisor.
Today,following his budget address before the Board of Supervisors, Abele took a questionfrom Supervisor Khalif Rainey on what the executive’s budget would do for thecounty’s African American residents.
Well,Abele didn’t handle it well.
Herattled off a long list of budget items including funding for the House ofCorrections, child support, social services and mental health services.
Hereally doesn’t get it, does he?
Tosay that supervisors were offended by Abele’s remarks is an understatement. After Abele left the room, Supervisor Peggy Romo West said she was "deeply troubled" by Abele's response and press statements blasting his comments are piling up. I’m sure there willbe more to come.
They SayChris Abele Lacks Sensitivity on Issues Affecting African Americans
Milwaukee County SupervisorsKhalif Rainey and Martin Weddle said today that they were outraged by CountyExecutive Chris Abele’s insensitivity toward the African American communityduring a question and answer session with Supervisors at his budget address tothe County Board on Thursday.
“The County Executive all butsaid he was doing nothing for the African American community in MilwaukeeCounty when he addressed the Board,” Rainey said. “I asked him for specifics,and he came back and said he was increasing funding for social services and theHouse of Correction, among other things. Is that what he thinks of the AfricanAmerican community? That they need more social services and betteraccommodations at the House of Correction?
“Chris Abele has no plan for dealingwith the crisis in the African American community, and his comments not onlyreflect a lack of sensitivity, they reflect complete ignorance as to what ishappening in Milwaukee County.”
Milwaukee County’s AfricanAmerican community is the largest in the state, Rainey said, and he added that he was “outraged and deeplydiscouraged” by Abele’s comments.
“The keys are jobs, equalopportunities and economic development, not social services,” Rainey said.“Does he think social services and the House of Correction only serve AfricanAmericans? How can we make progress in this community when leaders such as theCounty Executive show such ignorance and disrespect to the real needs ofAfrican Americans and other minorities?”
Rainey said he was especiallyangered by Abele’s comments about adding funding for the House of Correction.
“Does he think only AfricanAmericans are housed there?” Rainey said. “What he said today reflected aprejudice that cannot be tolerated in the leadership of Milwaukee County. ChrisAbele should apologize to all Milwaukee County African Americans for hiscomments, and he should ask himself what he really thinks about an importantpart of Milwaukee County. He apparently considers the African Americancommunity a drain on Milwaukee County. How dare he?”
Supervisor Martin Weddle said:“It’s plain as day to see that not enough is being done to help the AfricanAmerican community get jobs, not just now, but for as long as I can remember,”Weddle said. “As our funding for African American cultural institutions andservices continues to decrease, and as job growth in the community continues tolag, we will continue to experience severe difficulties. Chris Abele clearlydoes not recognize the needs of a community in crisis.”
Says Chris Abele’s Comments onAfrican Americans “Worthy of Talk Radio,” Not a Leader
Milwaukee County Supervisor SupremeMoore Omokunde said today he was offended by comments made by County ExecutiveChris Abele to the County Board at Abele’s annual proposed budget address,saying that the County Executive, “clearly does not understand the plight ofthe African American community in Milwaukee County.”
“When the County Executiveanswered a direct question about what his recommended budget would do for theAfrican American community, I had a moment of astonishment,” Moore Omokundesaid. “He said he was adding money for the House of Correction, socialservices, mental health and child support.
“What exactly does he think ofthe African American community and its problems? I’m afraid his answerreflected poorly on him. Does he really think additional funding for the Houseof Correction is a way to address problems in the African American community?His answer was more reflective of a comment you would hear on right-wing talkradio than that of a progressive leader.”
Moore Omokunde said he was“personally and professionally offended” by Abele’s remarks.
“The tension in the room couldhave been cut with a knife,” Moore Omokunde said. “Either Mr. Abele is terriblyaloof, doesn't care, or has an outright disdain for his African-Americanconstituency. I don’t know which is worse, but if you look at his power grabs,his funding of an arena on the backs of our poor and elderly, or his commentsat today’s budget meeting, it is clear that he is clueless as to solutions tothe extreme difficulties faced by the African American community in MilwaukeeCounty.”
Moore Omokunde urged everyone tocall Abele’s office at 278-4211.
“Mr. Abele needs to explain hisremarks,” Moore Omokunde said. “He is either ignorant or arrogant regarding theproblems the African American community faces. In any event, African Americansdeserve an explanation.”
“What WasChris Abele Thinking When He Addressed African American Concerns?” Mayo Asks
Milwaukee County SupervisorMichael Mayo, Sr. today expressed “shock and disappointment” at comments madeby County Executive Chris Abele when Abele answered a question regarding hisplan for dealing with problems in the African American community at his budgetaddress.
“I was pleased that the CountyExecutive took the time to answer questions from supervisors, although I amsure there were more questions than were allowed to be asked,” Mayo said. “Itlooked as though he might be willing to work with the Board.”
“But I was shocked and deeplydisappointed when he answered a question about what he was doing for theAfrican American community by saying he was putting more funding in the Houseof Correction, mental health, child support and social services.”
“What was the County Executivethinking when he delivered such an insensitive answer? The first thing he saidwas that he was increasing funding for the House of Correction. I was veryoffended. The County Executive needs to apologize for his remarks.”
Mayo called the County Executive“missing in action” when it came to addressing the needs of the AfricanAmerican community in Milwaukee County.
“What do social services and theHouse of Correction have to do with economic opportunities for African Americans?”Mayo said. “Give us a hand up, not a hand out.”
He added that social servicesbenefit everyone in Milwaukee County, not just African Americans.
“Where did he get the idea thatan increase in funding for social services benefited only African Americans?”Mayo said. “What was he thinking when he addressed African American concerns?He was clearly shooting from the hip when he should have given a morethoughtful answer.”
“The County Executive needs tolook at the way he thinks about the African American community and deal withthe real issues.”