Commenting on the Elliott Spitzer scandal for CNN, former U.S. Attorney (and current political analyst) Kendall Coffey noted "This is not survivable unless the U.S. attorney gets up and says tomorrow they're not going to bring criminal charges, and the chances of that happening are basically slim and none."
This was very generous – a sex scandal involving a stripper ended Coffey’s career without charges being filed.
CNN has acknowledged that a man once forced out of office under similar circumstances “was probably not the right one for this story.” It was a “miscommunication,” said Nigel Pritchard. The mistake was spearheaded by a newsroom employee unaware that Coffey resigned from Florida office after being bounced from a strip club for non-consensually biting a stripper hard enough to draw blood.
I’d like to believe that the employee was not, as Pritchard suggests, the guy who booked the interview. I’d like to believe it was the interviewer, who was supposed to ask “Would Spitzer biting the prostitute have helped his situation?” I’d also like to believe that the answer is yes. What isn’t helped by biting a sex worker?
“The situations are light years apart,” says Coffey, who blames his incident on an unfortunate night of binge drinking. Spitzer purchased his scandal while he was sober. If only the scandals were a little bit closer, Coffey might never have been exposed: Biting damn well better be included with a $5500 hooker.
Bonus "Don't mess with Texas...sheriffs" mea culpa: "we're sorry our sheriff threatened your reporters with jail time for reporting on the arrest of his son." -AP