"Shark Tank," the hit ABC reality show that somehow makes cutthroat, billionaire one-percenters seem like the most likable people on television, is hosting a casting call in Milwaukee this month. Small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs are invited to audition for the show on Monday, July 21 at the Milwaukee Art Museum. It'll be the show's first time recruiting from Milwaukee.
Candidates can begin arriving at the art museum at 9 a.m.; interviews will begin at 10 a.m. Producers are guaranteeing first 500 entrepreneurs will be seen by a casting team who will hear their pitch. If it's compelling enough, those candidates could appear on the show's upcoming sixth season. So if you're looking for seed money to help get your clever new business off the ground—or if you've invented some kind of silly hat you think would be funny to watch Mark Cuban and Kevin O'Leary try on—consider this your shot.