Last year, Southridge management moved its Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) bus stop to the periphery of its parking lot, a whopping 1,000 feet from the nearest mall entrance.
It’s ridiculous.
And it’s harmful to seniors and disabled bus riders who find it difficult if not impossible to get to the mall, all the while dodging traffic and loading trucks and coping with inclement weather.
The Bus User Safety at Southridge (BUSS) coalition has been urging Southridge to move the bus stop and improve access for all of its shoppers. But the coalition hasn’t gotten a response and Southridge is still discriminating against bus riders and is possibly in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
On Monday, you can get more information about the Southridge bus stop and what you can do to put pressure on the mall.
The BUSS coalition will hold an informational meeting on Monday, June 23, at 6 p.m. at St. Alphonsus Catholic Church (6060 W. Loomis Road, Greendale). The event will start with a bus tour to Southridge then a community meeting at the church at 6:45 p.m. Meet in the church’s parking lot at 6 to catch the bus to Southridge.
The meeting is being organized by Milwaukee County Supervisor Pat Jursik. Also in attendance will be Milwaukee County Corporation Counsel Paul Bargren and MCTS’s Sandy Kellner. They’ll discuss the status of the bus stop and a proposal on the Southridge route and stops. Southridge has to learn that it can’t pick and choose its customers. Discriminating against bus riders simply isn’t good business.