Set in rural North Carolina in 1938, Smoke tells the story of the singingSanders Family, who end up taking over the church service from the well-meaningbut inexperienced Rev. Oglethorpe (well played by David Duncan III). Giventheir sheer numbersthere’s guitar- and harmonica-playing dad Burl (DavidSapiro), mom Vera (Elaine Wyler) on piano, the twins Denise (Therese Gotcher)and Dennis (Nathaniel Gotcher), the non-twin June (Naomi Tiefel) and UncleStanley (Filippo Carini)and their individual stories, the “congregation”learns much about life’s trials and tribulations through their song and dance(even though dance was forbidden in the church back then).
The ensemble workswell together, thanks in part to veteran Acacia actress Wyler (reprising therole) and Sapiro, both of whom mine the depths of their individual monologues,a device used throughout the 110-minute “concert.” Kudos to Therese Gotcher asDenise, who helps to flesh out basic musical instrumentation with her turns onthe violin, especially during “Are You Washed in the Blood?” and “The FillingStation.” Those who don’t know individual Bible verses probably will afterwatching the very funny give-and-take between Wyler and Duncan as to who knowstheir Bible better.
Smoke on the Mountain celebrates the idea that sometimes the simplest joysof life can be the most uplifting.
Smoke on the Mountain runs through July 18 in the Todd Wehr Auditorium at Concordia University. For more information,