This November, Theatre Gigante is doing its own unique adaptation of Shakespeare’s King Lear. The show is set to feature James Butchart, Leslie Fitzwater, John Kishline, Jennifer Rupp, Isabelle Kralj and Mark Anderson.
Of course, trying to gain any kind of fresh insight into a legendary 400-year-old drama can be kind of self-defeating, but T.G. founders Kralj and Anderson are approaching the project with an interesting call to friends of the local theatre company: they’re looking for general impressions on King Lear.
Directly from the mass e-mail:
“If you would be so kind, we are interested in knowing what you know about – or what you think about – King Lear, without going to any resource (the play, the internet, etc.).”
They’re looking for one-line impressions or anything longer. It should be interesting to see what they do with the impressions when the show is staged this November.
Impressions of Lear can be sent to Theatre Gigante at:
Theatre Gigante’s King Lear will run November 18 – 21 at Studio 508 in UWM’s Kenilworth Building at 1925 East Kenilworth Place.