Colin and Paula Cabot, whose new Skylight show opens this New Year’s Eve, will be joined 14 different guest artists from the Skylight’s half-century history. The guest artists joining the Cabots for The Long and the Short Of It have recently been announced. They include: Elaine Parsons-Herro, Ray Jivoff, Mark-David Kaplan, Pam Kriger, Kathy Magestro, Norman Moses, Kurt Ollmann, Ellie Quint, Molly Rhode, Carol Greif Schuele, Kay Stiefel, Chase Stoeger, Bill Theisen, and Jack Forbes Wilson.
It’s a long list that will help make each of the show’s ten performances a little unique, as each show will feature a different bill of guest performers. In the words of Colin Cabot: "Old theater friends never die, they just recompose."
The show celebrates 50 years of the Skylight with songs and stories from its history. It opens New Year’s Evean opening night performance which is already sold-out.
The Cabots and Company perform The Long And The Short Of It through January 10th at the Broadway Theatre Center.