However, if thoseartistic misfires were what it took for first-time APT director Tim Ocel tocast As You Like It in the trappingsof America’sGreat Depression, then it was worth the years of foam and froth. The three-hourproduction opened APT’s 31st season Saturday in Spring Green with exceptionalstyle and swagger, resulting in a comedic broth bubbling with both foolishnessand wisdom.
Shakespeare’s playseems unusually contrived. Duke Senior is banished from court by connivingyounger brother Frederick (both played by Brian Mani) and wanders homeless witha band of followers in the forests of Arden.Frederick also banishes his niece Rosalind (APTnewcomer Hillary Clemens) after she falls for Orlando (Matt Schwader), a son ofFrederick’smortal enemy. The pair play out their romance, with Rosalind disguised as aboy, amid a gaggle of philosophers, fools and farmers who populate the forestand its environs.
The long,complicated scenario breezes along as performers rise to the occasion, offeringone highlight after another. Scene-stealers David Daniel and Colleen Madden dobrilliant turns as the fool Touchstone and his lover Audrey amid music, dancingand even a wrestling match. As Rosalind, a bright and lively Clemens steals theshow, winning hearts among the characters as well as in the audience. Don’tmiss this one.
APT’s As You Like It continues through Oct. 3.