Bathed in the shadows of relative obscurity, local shows can be successful in a variety of different ways. There are quite a few different signs of success in local theatre. Nothing quite says it like a sold-out show.
An entire run of a show being sold-out? Okay, fine, extend it, but what happens when a sold-out show also sells-out of an extended run? Aaron Kopec’s Murder Castle has completely sold-out its extended five-week runwhich has got to be a good feeling. The psychological horror drama with depth has been pretty heavily promoted for quite some time . . . but Kopec recently alerted me to another level of commercial success that goes along with a sell-out showpeople willing to pay inflated prices for tickets.
This past Thursday, someone posted a request in the tickets section of Craigslist. evidently willing to pay up to $100 for a pair of tickets to any upcoming performance of the show. Even a substantial mark-up like that is a fraction what people were paying for even really bad tickets to Wicked when the show breezed through town several months ago, but it’s nice to see that kind of demand for a local show . . .