Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie PG
When misbehaving 9-year-olds Harold and George (voiced by Kevin Hart and Nick Kroll) are sent to the office of Principal Krupp (Ed Helms), they hypnotize him, turning the hapless administrator into Captain Underpants. He immediately begins chasing down bewildered bad guys while clad in nothing but a red cape and jockey shorts. Horrified, Harold and George try to reverse the hypnotic trance. Animated to recreate the illustrations of Dav Pilkey’s kids book, the film features toothy, egg-shaped characters with yarn hair and bulbous noses. The look is particularly fetching on barrel-bellied Captain Underpants as he rocks those tighty-whities. Grammar-school stunts pulled on teachers and other grownups may not amuse parents all-to-familiar with such behavior.
Wonder Woman PG-13
Positioned as an origin story, this adaptation reveals that Wonder Woman is the child of Zeus and an Amazonian queen (Connie Nielsen). As World War I unfolds, Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) lives on an Amazonian island, cut off from the outside world until fighter pilot Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) crashes his plane there. Hearing of the war, Diana believes she can save mankind from self-destruction. Her tool kit includes immortality, superhuman strength, impeccable warrior training and weapons imbued with special powers. Advance screening attendees praise the film’s inspirational tone and coherent action sequences. Wonder Woman is the first major superhero production directed by a woman—Patty Jenkins.