King Arthur: Legend of the Sword PG-13
Loosely based on Arthurian legends, the film stars Charlie Hunnam as Arthur. An orphan unaware of his royal lineage, young Arthur is living on London’s back streets when he draws the Excalibur from its stone and must decide whether to pursue the prophecy that accompanies his surprising success. Arthur’s tyrannical uncle Vortigern (Jude Law), is now England’s king after he usurped the throne, stealing Arthur’s birthright. Eventually joining the resistance, Arthur meets the enigmatic and beautiful Guinevere (Astrid Bergès-Frisbey). Planned as a six-film series, Warner Brothers rubber-stamped a frenetic trailer that indicates director Guy Ritchie takes liberties with the story while giving the film ye old comic-book twist. The good news is that the supporting roles are excellently cast.
Snatched R
Released for Mother’s Day weekend, this screenplay, by Katie Dippold, casts Amy Schumer and Goldie Hawn (the latter in her first film since 2002) as a daughter and mother vacationing in South America. Duped by a handsome man, they are kidnapped for ransom. To save themselves, the women brave harrowing obstacles that showcase both their differences and strengths. The script, overflowing with so much outrageous silliness that I watched the trailer twice, makes us root for the unlikely pair as well as for the movie that brought them together.