As a movie about the news media, the filmTruth attracted chatter in the media when released this fall, but never foundthe popular buzz achieved by another media story, Spotlight. With CateBlanchett and Robert Redford in staring roles, Truth is a good but not greatfilm about the “60 Minutes” episode on George W. Bush’s strange record ofnon-service during the Vietnam War. The GOP reacted to the program bymarshaling an army of nitpickers, fact checkers and Fox News bloviators seekingto discredit the report and the reporters who researched it. CBS producer MaryMapes (Blanchett), veteran anchor Dan Rather (Redford) and the credibility ofnetwork news lost out.
Truth may find its audience in post-theatricalrelease. Meanwhile, the movie’s music has been issued as Truth: The OriginalSoundtrack. Composed by Brian Tyler (responsible for Thor The Dark World aswell as the NFL Theme for ESPN), the orchestral score maintains a somber toneappropriate to a film about the systematic effort to undermine truth, discreditthose who dare to tell it and diminish the ability of the news media to keeppowerful interests in check.