Of course, ifcomputer animation had been the sole virtue of Toy Story, Finding Nemoand other films from Pixar Studios, their impact would have been slighter. Likeits predecessors, Toy Story 3balances the kinetic spectacle of a children’s movie with an intelligentlywritten, heartfelt story that works on multiple levels. The kids will beentertained, the adults will be amused. Everyone will be given something toponder.
Toy Story 3 is about time and change. Andy, who once found so much happiness withhis toys, is 17 and moving away to college. He hasn’t played with his plasticcompanions for years. Through a series of mishaps, Woody (Tom Hanks), Buzz (TimAllen), Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head (Don Rickles, Estelle Harris), Rex (WallaceShawn) and the gang are donated to the ironically named Sunnyside DaycareCenter along with a newcomer, Barbie, tossed away by Andy’s little sister.
After enduringyears of neglect from Andy, most of the toys see Sunnyside as a paradiseaplace where they will be cared for and given the attention they need. Greetingthem is the boss of Sunnyside’s toy land, Lotso (Ned Beatty), a purple huggingbear with a Southern drawl and an easy manner. “No owners means no heartbreak,”the bear says consolingly.
Alone among them,Woody remains skeptical of Sunnyside and resolutely loyal to Andy. If the ownerthey loved wants to consign them to the attic, at least they will be safe andwarm and together. Pixar films have usually painted dim pictures of sterileinstitutions that claim benevolence, and Sunnyside is no exception. The kidsturn out to be toy-wrecking monsters and Lotso is like the tyrannical Southernsheriff from a ’50s film. When he begins, “Listen folks, we got a way of doingthings here at Sunnyside,” you know the regime will be pitiless.