Multiple spots in Milwaukee are rightlyfamed for their hamburgers. One of the oldest is Solly’s Grille (4629 N. Port Washington Road),which has been in business since 1936. The interior features a classic lunchcounter in the shape of a double horseshoe. The burgers are 100% sirloin, thoughthat isn’t the only key to a Solly’s burger. They are prepared with a lot ofbuttereven the roll gets some. Try the Super Solly (a bit bigger, with a1/3-pound patty). Burgers like these, with a buttery richness that Paula Deenwould surely love, call for a chocolate malt. A breakfast menu, a fish fry andother sandwiches are available as well. Port Washington Road was widened in 1999.Fortunately, Solly’s was saved and moved to the current location, where thevestibule is filled with framed tributes to these buttery burgers. With onejuicy bite, you’ll know why.