Hellbound forthe Highway suffers as a result of weak lyricsoverused stuffbut excels inmusic that is tough, honest and technically proficient. One can ignore thewords and not be burdened by them, or catch a phrase here and there thatcombines with riff and grit and floats upon honest foam, spilling out of aplastic beer cup.
Of the dozen original songs on this album, “AnyFriend of Vinnie” makes a great impression for its true relationship to ChicagoR&B. “Bridge Across the Miles” is an emotively played blues number as well,and puts the dance floor underfoot at 2 a.m., when it’s time to go home butthere has got to be one more song. “Ain’t That Like a Woman” manages to becatchy and incredibly synchronized, with words that disappear into music thatrecalls the best of past moments in blues rock.
With Paul Fecke on harmonica and vocals, S. AaronOliver on guitar, Dan Behrens on bass and Eric Sorenson on drums, we have aperfect combo that actually listens to one another, making music for those whostill like to hear updated but not outdated blues-style rocking, loud music.
“Show Me the Door,” the album opener, sets the tonewith its individualist stance and nostalgic, outsider sound. Its structuremoves the blues a bit off-center in a very unique way and is the right kind ofradio-friendly material for an evening out on the town. Or stay at home withthe “Devil Ridin’ Shotgun,” which blows a sonic hole in our neatly wrapped,harmonious world with bravado, fire and brimstone that is always there butfeared.
CD release party March 20 at O’Donoghue’sIrish Pub.