Some Fox affiliates disagree with the network's odd decision to follow-up "American Idol," the country's top-rated family show, with an Osbournes variety special that, according to commercials, contains bits in which Ozzy and his family command small children to curse then trick a dude into making out with a geriatric woman. Milwaukee's station is among those refusing to air the broadcast after "Idol," replacing it instead with the only thing wholesome enough to bask in Danny Gokey's halo: an after-school special about the dangers of drugs. "Osbournes: Reloaded" will air instead at 1 a.m.
"'American Idol' is an extremely popular program with families and young children and Milwaukee's Danny Gokey has added significant local appeal to area viewers," station manager Chuck Steinmetz wrote on the affiliate's Web site. "With that in mind, FOX6 feels the content of the Osbourne special, which was scheduled to immediately follow 'American Idol' on Tuesday, would be more appropriate for viewing later that evening."
Other markets fared better than Milwaukee. Panama City's Fox affiliate, for instance, has replaced the Osbournes program with an episode of "The Simpsons," which promises to be more entertaining than this: