Juiceboxxx became the latest Milwaukee artist—and the first who can't be described with the terms "folk" or "indie"—to be featured on Daytrotter today when the website posted a session from the young rapper. Site editor Sean Moeller clearly enjoyed having the party-minded guest in the studio, and his writeup brims with romanticizations of the free-spirited lifestyle Juiceboxxx sells in his songs.
"Who cares what's strewn about in the wake of it all when you're just going to sleep it off and tie it on for another go the following night, one that you're going to meet with desperation and wild anticipation, believing fully that this one is going to be even greater, more epic, and will result in twice as much vomit, blood, piss and slobber," Moeller wrote. In the following paragraph he used the term, presumably for the first time, "Funderzone."
Daytrotter members can stream the whole four-song set here.