Milwaukee musician Jay Flash is off to a punctual start for the new year. Yesterday he released his fourth full-length, <em>Collapsing</em>, for free streaming and name-your-price download on <a href=\"\">his Bandcamp site</a>. The album is cleaved into two halves, an "acoustic" side and an "electronic" side, though the division between the two isn\'t quite as black-and-white as that labeling. There are plenty of electronics on the first side, and there\'s a distinct, singer-songwritery bent to a couple of Flash\'s second-half compositions. <br /><br />What strikes this time out isn\'t Flash\'s trademark experimentation, but his composure. In a few short years, the songwriter has evolved from recording jittery, sweaty-palmed folk songs and small-scale electronic abstractions to making assured, steady-voiced statements. This is his most commanding record yet. <br /><br />You can stream <em>Collapsing</em> below.<br /><br /> <iframe height=\"410\" frameborder=\"0\" width=\"300\" allowtransparency=\"true\" src=\"\" style=\"position: relative; width: 300px; height: 410px;\">&lt;a href=""&gt;Collapsing by Jay Flash&lt;/a&gt;</iframe><br />