Since it premiered in 2007, the small, all-local Summerfest stage originally called the Groove Garage has regularly changed locations, appearances and names, and this year's festival once again finds the stage in transition. It has taken on a new primary sponsor, the Grafton-based artist management company K Nation, who join founding sponsors Cascio Interstate Music and longtime partners WMSE. The stage—now called, logically enough, The K-Nation/Cascio Interstate Music Stage with WMSE 91.7—announced its headlining lineup this morning.
June 26 9 pm Faux Fir
June 27 9 pm The Melismatics
June 28 9 pm Bright Kind
June 29 9 pm I’m Not A Pilot
June 30 9 pm TBA
July 2 9 pm The Invaders
July 3 9 pm Midnight Reruns
July 4 9 pm Copper Box
July 5 9 pm The Delta Routine
July 6 9 pm The Championship
July 7 9 pm Archie Powell & The Exports