Jason Powell, from the local sketch-comedy group The Show, has written a new piece that can only be described as a romantic sci-fi musical comedy: Invader? I Hardly Know Her!, which runs through Sept. 26 at the Alchemist Theatre in Bay View. In a plot drawn from mid-century pulp magazine sci-fi kitsch, Lisa Buchmeier and Nate Press star as the soon-to-be-married Jennifer and James. A pair of alien agents (played by Parker Drew and Lee Rowley), convinced that James is a threat to the entire universe, interrupts the couple's wedding day. This sparks a chase through a government facility run by secret-agent clones, a spaceship and, finally, a place "where even angels fear to tread."
Invader? I Hardly Know Her
Tonight @ The Alchemist Theatre, 7:30 p.m.