The youngest winner in the history of “American Idol,” 2007 victor Jordin Sparks teamed with a pre-scandal Chris Brown on their pop and R&B chart-topping duet, "No Air." She shines brightly on her own, too, from the peppy "One Step At A Time" to nigh perfect bravura of "Battlefield." Clarkson may have already gone through her "dark" period, and Miley Cyrus seems determined to obliterate her Disneyfied, squeaky -lean aura, but Sparks is one star with copious tween appeal who doesn't seem bent on derailing her gravy train for the cause of either misguided "self-expression" or rebelling against the audience expectations that brought her to fame's dance. Sparks' artistic maturation seems to be blossoming at an organic pace with a graciousness that makes her a natural role model that parents aren't embarrassed to like either.
Jordin Sparks w/ Honor Society
Tonight @ Wisconsin State Fair Main Stage, 8 p.m.