Health care reform continues to be a major issue in the presidentialcampaign even as economic problems dominate the headlines. Voters wanta better and more secure system of health insurance. The interestingfact is that the health care debate is no longer between those who wantto reform the system and those who are satisfied with the status quo.Now the issue isn’t “should we,” but “how.” McCain’s approach is toprovide a tax credit, $2,500 for an individual and $5,000 for a family,to purchase health insurance and to tax the current health carebenefits provided by employers. It is a radical approach that even hasthe U.S. Chamber of Commerce saying that McCain’s plan is a dangerousproposal that would unravel the employer-based health insurance system.
Obama wantsto enable the employer-based approach to continue where it is workingand also proposes to create both a large public health insurance planplus a regulated private insurance plan that could not exclude peoplewith pre-existing conditions. Ironically, the debate is now betweenthose who want bold reform (Obama) and those who want very radicalreform (McCain).
Hero of the Week: Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner
In2004, Republican operatives at the Ohio state- and county-level lost,miscounted or discarded some 350,000 votes, effectively handing asecond illegitimate term to President George Bush. The records weresubsequently destroyed when they became the subject of a criminalinvestigation. In an attempt to make the polls accessible to all, Ohio,under new Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner, now allows residents tovote absentee in advance without proving justification. Brunnerwas sued by the Ohio Republican Party, which feared massive earlyvoting by low-income voters who might not be able to make it to pollingplaces on Election Day. The suit by the Republican Party was thrown outOct. 17 by the U.S. Supreme Court. Of the latest attempts at votersuppression, Secretary Brunner said, “It is unfortunate that a small,but vocal, group of Republican leaders continues to inject confusionand chaos in our elections.”
Jerk of the Week: State Sen. Scott Fitzgerald
StateSenate Republican Leader Scott Fitzgerald needs to spend his timetrying to deal with the state budget shortfall instead of ducking hisresponsibilities with silly explanations. Gov. Jim Doyle’s announcementlast week that the state may be facing a $3 billion deficit in the2009-’11 budget was grim tidings indeed, portending many long hours forthe state Legislature in the months to come. While most lawmakersimmediately realized that tough decisions would have to be made,Fitzgerald put a shaky finger to the wind and concluded that theunfortunate numbers were released in order to elect Barack Obama. We’renot sure how a $3 billion shortfall under a Democratic governor worksto Obama’s benefit, but Fitzgerald claims that the news will “solidify”the candidate’s chances in Wisconsin. One can only hope that after thebogeyman has passed, Fitzgerald will emerge from his happy place andaccept the responsibilities of his position.
Blog of the Week: Brew City Brawler
Republican Party of Wisconsin Enlisting Vote Suppression GoonsThe Washington Post [reportsthat] the Republican Party of Wisconsin (RPW) [is] seeking tough men towatch the polls in “intimidating” inner-city Milwaukee: “JonathanWaclawski, the party’s Election Day operations [director], wrote in aSept. 8 e-mail that he needed contact information for people ‘who wouldpotentially be willing to volunteer…at inner-city (more intimidating)polling places. Particularly, I am interested in names ofMilwaukee-area veterans, policemen, security personnel, firefighters,etc. … If you have any connections with such organizations, please passthat information on.’”
What will they be doing? Well, if RPW dirtytricks during the 2004 election are any indication, we can expect themto help mount spurious charges against voters, offer misleadinginstructions to voters and generally do all they can to sow confusionand create long lines that may dissuade folks from casting their ballot.
“Becauseof his ability to inspire, because of the inclusive nature of hiscampaign, because he is reaching out all across America…he has met thestandard of being a successful president, being an exceptionalpresident. I think he is a transformational figure. He is a newgeneration coming into the worldonto the world stage, and on theAmerican stage, and for that reason I’ll be voting for Sen. BarackObama.” Gen. Colin Powell, former secretary of state in the Bushadministration, endorsing Sen. Obama for president.
PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Economic Hard Times by Senator Dingdong
"Even the gulls that crap on my car are packing lunches."