On May11, thrill writer Andrew Grant's newest release, Die Twice,will hit the stands and the author himself will make a Milwaukee appearance at Mystery OneBookshop. Die Twice,Grant's second publication, is already being heralded as an adrenaline-raisingpage-turner, brimming with blood tingling plot twists and hair-raisingcliffhangers. Die Twicepicks up where Grant's first release, Even, left off, shadowing plucky hero DavidTrevellyan, a modern-day James Bond. On account of the book's intimatefirst-person narration, this British Intelligence Officer candidly beckonsreaders into his heart-pounding realm. Die Twiceis overflowing with sardonic wit and galvanizing adventures that allow it toemerge as an ingenious noir novel with distinct flair. Andrew Grant willdiscuss and sign his new book at Milwaukee'sMystery One Bookshop on May 11 at 7 p.m. Mystery One is located at 2109 Prospect Ave.