Popular variety show MKE Follies returns for its eighth installment at The Box, a brand-new performance space Downtown. The show will feature performances by violinist Liisa Church, who will sing, dance and play original fiddle tunes. Tara Wrobel will premiere a modern dance piece. Fellow dancer Katharina Abderholden will present a dance project about the manipulation and perception of time. Marie Warren and Alyssa Yank have arranged a selection of cello and violin pieces in a tribute to Hungarian composer Zoltán Kodály. The Tontine Ensemble and comedian Tim Hunter will also perform.
“We are excited to have all of these acts and artists a part of the show,” said Follies founder, Karen Raymond. “Every installment of the Follies brings something new to the table, allowing for artistic expression and audience enjoyment.”
The show takes place at 8 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 19 at The Box (628 N. Broadway). Tickets are $12 and can be purchased at the box office (opens 7:30 p.m. on the evening of the show) or online at brownpapertickets.com. For more information call 414-939-3761 or visit dancerevolutionmke.com.