State Rep. Jonathan Brostoff (D-Milwaukee) is convening a special listening session on behavioral health on Saturday, Feb. 6, noon-3 p.m., at the Washington Park Senior Center, 4420 W. Vliet St.
I can’t tell you how sorely this listening session is needed.
If you’ve been following along, the public doesn’t have any opportunities to speak up about behavioral health issues in Milwaukee County.
Since 2014, Milwaukee County’s behavioral health services have been overseen by an all-appointee Mental Health Board, which reports to Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele. The board is required to hold just one opportunity for public input per year. It has added an additional hearing in 2016, but it’s still not enough. So if you go to a meeting you have no way to comment on proposals before the board. Doesn’t matter if you are a consumer of services, family member of a consumer, advocate for a consumer, a policy maker or simply an interested member of the community. You cannot participate in decisions made at the county level. Period.
See you there.