Located in Menomonee Falls, UberDork Café (N89 W16750 Appleton Ave.) opened its doors Oct. 30. Proprietor Natali Heuss envisioned an all ages creative center where people can work on craft projects, play games, and learn new skills. “Eat, game, play, create, learn, geek,” are the words Heuss uses to describe the experience. It’s a space comfortable enough for knitters and Dungeons & Dragons fans alike. The bright, 2,000 square foot space also works well for an after school hangout spot or a geek themed party. The café serves Stone Creek coffee, Rishi tea, hot cocoa and cider, and baked goods like cookies and cake.
Heuss plans to expand the menu to soup and sandwiches soon. Upcoming yule events this month include a craft fair of local artists, a “Make-a-Play-a-Thon and Toy Drive,” a steampunk themed tea party, and a screening of the holiday classic A Christmas Story.