Remember when a piece of the Milwaukee County courthouse fell off?
Well, seems that Scott Walker’s gubernatorial campaign wasn’t pleased with the pace of repairs. The cornice fell off on March 4, 2010, and on April 1, 2010, Walker’s administrative director, Cindy Archer, complained to Walker’s campaign staff about what a bad “photo opt” it was providing. [Page 3909 of Walker Docs #2 at the Progressive]
Cindy Archer, via her personal email, to R.J. Johnson, Tim Russell, Tom Nardelli (on his personal email, Scott Walker, and, separately, Kelly Rindfleisch:
“I just read in the paper that the repairs could take up to 5 ½ months. The scaffolding around the courthouse is a photo opt [sic] that is not good for CEX in light of recent events. Has anyone asked Jack if it can be expedited? How can the Gov fix an entire bridge in a matter of weeks and we can’t [get] this done faster? As long as the scaffolding stays up the story will not die. Maybe it is outside our control if the insurance company is calling the shots, but I think we should push on this and see if it can get done faster. Based on info Nardelli had yesterday, this story could take a bad turn quickly.”
Not sure what Walker’s political team could do to speed along the courthouse repairs…