The book is ripefor a stage version, as it contains magic, mystery, adventure and a group ofyoung orphans who are clever enough to outwit the adult characters. Wisconsin actor and playwright James DeVita neatly bringsall these elements together. The show will be best enjoyed by children oldenough to read the book, as the relatively long stretches of dialogue(particularly in Act I) may cause younger kids to fidget (as occurred onopening night). The production really takes off in Act II, as a magicalcarrousel transforms children into adults, and adults into children. Naturally,the results are pure mayhem.
First Stage showsare always double cast, and the Guardian Angels performed on opening night.Particularly strong performances were given by Avi Wolf Borouchoff and TylerJohnson as a pair of brothers who are first seen eluding the police. They arerescued by a band of orphans led by the self-proclaimed “thief lord,”impressively played by Nathan Kluge. All the children play well off the adult actors,which include Drew Brhel, Joe Foust, Elaine Wyler and Molly Glynn. Adult actorsremain the same for each performance.
The production’sonly drawback is a set that suggests the bridges and canals of Venice. It is lovely, but limiting. The storyjumps around to various locations without any set alterations. Lavish homes, anabandoned movie theater, etc., are only suggested through dialogue. It isparticularly disappointing that the island (where the carrousel is stored)didn’t merit special treatment. For instance, the island is accessible only byboat, yet no boats appear to ferry the brave orphans. The carrousel’s size isalso limited by the set design. The carrousel is a key element to the story andone wishes it could have been more prominently displayed.
Aside from thelack of production elements, the show has many fine moments. Director JeffFrank keeps things moving along at a fast pace.
The Thief Lord runs through Feb. 14 at the Todd Wehr Theater.