Milwaukee stage veteranRay Jivoff is set to direct the Sunset production. As associate artistic directorand educational director for the Skylight Opera Theatre, Jivoff’s extensiveexperience in performing and directing makes him well suited to handle thechaos inherent to a production of Hair.
It should be fun to seethis much-talked-about productionreflectedonstage just outside Milwaukee County. The Sunset Playhouse’s production of Hair runs July 16-Aug. 8 in Elm Grove.For more information, visit
West of Elm Grove, anout-of-the-way stage will play host to a rare performance by some of the bestactors in the nation. Genesee Depot is home to the estate of the late, greattheater couple Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fontanne. A shrine to an earlier age oftheater, the home has become the historic landmark Ten Chimneys. For the second year in a row, Ten Chimneys has hosteda summer fellowship program in honor of Lunt and Fontanne. Over the past week,some of the most respected actors from all over the United States have studiedtogether at Ten Chimneys. On Saturday, July 17, the 2010 Lunt-FontanneFellowship Program presents its concluding presentation. The product of aweeklong program of study under Barry Edelstein, the performance is a uniqueopportunity to see some of the country’s best actors perform together onstage.Included in this class of acclaimed actors is Milwaukee Rep Resident actressLaura Gordon.
The Lunt-FontanneFellowship Program’s 2010 concluding presentation starts at 8 p.m. July 17. Formore information, visit