Richard O’Brien’s ’70s science fiction musical, The Rocky Horror Show, finds a vibrant, energetic manifestation in the cozy space of the Alchemist Theatre. Nathan Wesselowski finds his own decadent way into the character of mad genius Dr. Frank N. Furter, a role defined for fans by Tim Curry’s performance in the 1975 film adaptation. Jim Owszarski lends substantial comic flair to the production in the role of The Criminologist who narrates the story. Bob Hirschi and Amanda Hull are pleasantly alien in the roles of arch-minions Riff Raff and Magenta.
Jason Powell and Erin Hartman start sweetly cheesy as Brad and Janet, a young couple who come to Frank’s estate to request the use of his phone. As Frank and his minions exert their corruptive influence on Brad and Janet, Powell and Hartman deliver a compelling emotional journey to the stage that doesn’t betray the sense of irreverently perverse strangeness that makes Rocky Horror the beloved legend that it is.
While the show charts a unique and distinct path to the heart of O’Brien’s classic, Director Erin Hartman is wise to give fan-based audiences exactly what they have come to expect out of Rocky Horror. Aided by beautifully economical lighting design by AntiShadows, Technical Director Aaron Kopec brings the visual appeal of the 1975 film adaptation into the intimate studio theater space. Sold-out audiences come to see a show that they love in an environment that fosters a positively electric flow of energy from seats to stage and back again in a deeply satisfying trip to the theater.
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The Rocky Horror Show Live! runs through Oct. 31 at the Alchemist Theatre, 2569 S. Kinnickinnic Ave. Many performances have already been sold out. For tickets, visit